(Cosplay Team)

Adya’s first cosplay was Arisa from the Green Lantern Corps. She had a positive experience from cosplaying Arisia that she immediately made plans to work on her next cosplay with the help of her husband, Eric (aka Smoke) and friends. She enjoys cosplaying characters from animation (such as Princess Tiana, Doc McStuffins, and Tiny Toons), comics (WonderGirl, Mary Marvel, etc) and movies. She and her husband, Eric “The Smoke” Moran frequently cosplay together as Icon & Rocket, Giant-Man & The Wasp, Beauty & the Beast, etc. She’s appeared in the Women Vs. Cosplay Calendar. Adya is a regular cast member on the Orville Fan Fic webs series “A Planetary Step”.

In addition, she speaks in public about the importance of cosplay positivity. She is a member of the Philadelphia Avengers and other organizations. She is a script editor at Together Brothers Productions. Adya is passionate about giving back to the community, and she participates in events that help promote positive causes.