(Cosplay Team)

Deputy Sheriff by day, and night. Loves the thrill and joy that is brought to others when they get to have a good time by living through your cosplay. I enjoy performing my cosplays from many different fandoms.

Favorite Star Trek cosplay is my Klingon or Captain Sisko one is a lot easier to wear you figure out which!! My favorite Star Wars cosplay is Darth Vader because it's Vader!

I got into cosplay in 1999 way before it was cool. I served this great country in the United States Marine Corps for six years. Upon my Honorable discharge from the military I entered into a career in Law Enforcement in 1992. Where I have served as a Deputy Sheriff to this present time 20223. I enjoy cosplay as it serves as a release for me from the perils of work life, and the many benefits of giving back to my community by the charity work that I do with my many cosplay groups.